National Truck Driving School Job Placement
Why choose National Truck Driving School?
1. We personally help you obtain tuition financial aid and or tuition financing!
2. We follow through by assisting you in job placement
Obtaining funding for vocational training and a new career can be discouraging and a daunting task for some. For this reason, we offer professional assistance to guild you through this process and make it as painless as possible. We have assisted hundreds of new students through this process successfully. So, why not call us today for your free consultation? (510) 877-4707
Students who are not able to pay school tuition on their own, can apply for a student loan. The eligibility is based on credit worthiness which means if the credit is good the student can get a zero down loan, whereas if his/ her credit is not good, they might have to come up with a down payment or a cosigner that has good credit.
The loan is offered by an independent loan source and is payable in 24 monthly installments after the training.
Other sources of funding are:
Grants provided by:
WIA (Workforce Investment Act)- WIA works with Employment Development Department (EDD) and provides funding to unemployed workers who need a change of career to get employment.
State Department of Rehabilitation- State Dept of Rehabilitation and Workers Compensation Training Vouchers are usually for rehabilitation of injured workers.
Social Service Agency- Social Services Agency (SSA) provides grants to eligible candidates who are on General Assistance (food stamps) but want to start a career.
Workers Compensation training Vouchers
And others
Truck Driver Job Placement: We don’t just kick you out the door once you have completed our truck driving school. After passing your driving test, we assist you in getting in the door of some of the top trucking companies in the country! We regularly place new graduates in the following companies:
We provide drivers for:
These company seek our students out, because of our school’s great reputation of producing elite, safe truck drivers.
Why Choose Us?
- Se Habla Español
- Rehabilitation Vouchers Accepted
- Excellent Training Equipment
- Job Placement Assistance
- Payment Plans Available
- No Credit Check
- Day, Evening and Weekend Classes Available